Why We Started This Blog

Both my husband and I love words, and we both do a lot of writing. OK, maybe it’s not so surprising that I spend a lot of time writing, since my job description is, after all, “writer.” But it turns out that my husband (an ICU doc and researcher) sometimes spends upwards of 40 hours a week knitting words together for articles, presentations, book chapters, grant applications, and lectures.

We also love books. At one point we arranged them all by color, just for an excuse to handle them and see what we had that we hadn’t read yet. Of course, we’ve moved a couple of times since then, and the color scheme has been discarded.

Implementing and maintaining a Dewey Decimal or even a simple alphabetical-by-author system in a family whose book acquisition habits are most notable for their voracity is frankly impractical, so we have reverted to the “These sorts of books are in that room” and “Those sorts of books are more or less all over there” system.

Still, there you have it. We love books. We love writing. Blogging about books and writing (or books on writing) seemed only natural.

One comment

  1. Hi there. We at Guerrilla Blogs: http://cergat.wordpress.com/category/guebprojects/ are launching a writing contest with quite a few prizes to be won for especially new and aspiring writers. If you know anyone who would like to participate, we would appreciate it if you sent them our way. We will have similar contests every once in a while, and will let you know in advance if you are interested. Looking forward to hearing from you.


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