20 quirks of famous writers and one very patient blogger

By Jack Milgram

Readers, I’d like to say a few words about writer and blogger, Jack Milgram.

Several months ago, Jack sent me a polite note asking if his infographic, 20 Quirks & Strange Habits: The Weird Side of Famous Writers, would be of interest to me or my readers.

It was of interest to me, so I checked it out.

Wait, this isn’t just good organization? (Illustration: Jack Milgram)

Why yes, I told him. I think my readers would like to see that.

I promised to share it on BostonWriters, but then life happened. Family stuff broke out and publishing deadlines started to pile up, and before I knew it, months had gone by.

Despite my writing a reminder to myself every week in my planner to post Jack’s infographic, I just never found time to actually do it.

(Illustration: Jack Milgram)

Jack checked in once or twice. Always super politely, because he’s a polite sort of guy.

The reminders from Jack stopped eventually, but he was generous to the end.

Today, at long last, I’m posting clips from his infographic.

You didn’t really expect me to skip the part about Jane Austen, did you? (Illustration: Jack Milgram)

It’s full of fun facts about the various tricks famous writers used to keep themselves writing day-in and day-out, despite the obstacles life throws at them.

Hmm… maybe I should take a second look at it myself.

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